News & Information
- Measures agains the Infection Spread of the Novel Coronavirus
Past information/events on measures against COVID-19 - 2024.9.27
- 14th YNU Japanese Speech Contest Call for Contestants (10/17 17:00 Deadline)
- 2024.9.13
- 2024 Fall Japanese Program Pamphlet
- 2024.9.13
- 【Important】About 2024 Fall Japanese Language Courses
- 2024.9.13
- Fall 2024 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2024.3.11
- 【Important】About 2024 Spring Japanese Language Courses
- 2024.3.11
- Spring 2024 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2023.11.17
- YNU Japanese Speech Contest 2023 (Information in Japanese)
- 2023.09.29
- 13th YNU Japanese Speech Contest Call for Contestants (10/19 17:00 deadline)
- 2023.09.29
- 【Updated on 2023/9/29】2023 Fall Japanese Program Pamphlet
- 2023.09.12
- 2023 Fall Japanese Program Pamphlet
- 2023.09.12
- 【Important】About 2023 Fall Japanese Language Courses
- 2023.09.12
- Fall 2023 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2023.05.12
- 2023 Spring Academic Writing Support Desk (Japanese only)
- 2023.03.14
- 2023 Spring Japanese Program Pamphlet
- 2023.03.14
- 【Important】About 2023 Spring Japanese Language Courses
- 2023.03.14
- How to do Provisional Registration on Learning Management System(LMS)
- 2023.03.14
- Spring 2023 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2022.03.30
- How to do Provisional Registration on Learning Management System(LMS)
- 2022.03.30
- Regarding online security measures for remote classes
- 2022.03.30
- 2022 Spring Japanese Program Pamphlet
- 2022.02.21
- 【Important】About 2022 Spring Japanese Language Courses
- 2022.02.21
- Spring 2022 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2022.02.21
- Admission information of the international student center in 2022 (Special Register Students) is now available (April Admission: 3/1-3/5, October Admission: 8/23-8/27)
- 2022.01.19
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “YNU 105 Christmas Party”! 105 Christmas Party(国際教育センター105主催)が開催されました!
- 2021.12.22
- The 11th YNU Japanese Speech Contest Special Page is now open!
- 2021.12.13
- YNU international student center 105 Christmas Party
- 2021.12.08
- Application guideline for the Research Students in 2022 has been posted (Application Period: April Admission: 12/15 - 12/21, October Admission: 5/30 - 6/3)
- 2021.12.06
- Announcement of the 11th YNU Japanese Speech Contest (Online)
- 2021.11.15
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “Online Welcome Party Autumn 2021.” Online Welcome Party(国際教育センター105主催)に39名が参加しました!
- 2021.10.21
- YNU 105 Online Welcome Party on Novmenber 3rd 11月3日(水)にYNU105がOnline Welcome Party を開きます!
- 2021.10.11
- Online Placement Test: Additional test on October 14th
- 2021.09.27
- Regarding online security measures for remote classes
- 2021.09.27
- Orientation for new international students, October 2021 2021年度10月期新入学留学生オリエンテーション
- 2021.09.27
- Fall Semester: How to provisionally register with LMS (starting at 10/1)
- 2021.09.27
- 2021 Spring: How to purchase textbooks at YNU Coop
- 2021.09.27
- 2021 YNU Japanese Speech Contest: Call for Contestants
- 2021.09.22
- "BOSAI" (防災)Seminar for YNU International Student on October 6
- 2021.09.22
- About COVID-19 vaccination in Yokohama 横浜市でコロナワクチンの接種を受けたい留学生へ
- 2021.09.13
- Fall 2021 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2021.09.13
- 2021 Fall Japanese Program Pamphlet
- 2021.08.25
- 【Important】 Take actions to be prepared for COVID-19; Consider what to do when infected 【重要】万一新型コロナに感染した場合に備えてください
- 2021.08.25
- Recommendation for Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine(YNU Health Service Center) 新型コロナウイルス・ワクチン接種の推奨(YNU保健管理センター)
- 2021.08.23
- 【Important】 About On-Campus Vaccination against COVID-19
【重要】YNUキャンパスで新型コロナウィルスワクチンが接種できます。希望者はこの機会をぜひ利用してください。 - 2021.08.11
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “Sports Event.” 国際教育センター105 Sports Eventに32名が参加しました!
- 2021.08.11
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “Sports Event.” 国際教育センター105 Sports Eventに32名が参加しました!
- 2021.07.21
- 【Important】Notice on the COVID-19 Vaccination 新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種について
- 2021.07.19
- About my Number System マイナンバーをきちんと管理しましょう
- 2021.07.05
- 【Application Deadline: 17:00 July 16】Application for October 2021 occupancy of International Student House and Minesawa International Student Dormitory
- 2021.06.16
- ISC Relay Talk: a YNU staff talks about her school days memories here at YNU. リレートーク第8回:YNU職員が、本学在学時の留学や就活の思い出を語ります!
- 2021.06.02
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “Online Welcome Party.” Online Welcome Party(国際教育センター105主催)に61名が参加しました!
- 2021.05.28
- 2021 International Student Center Application Guide for Research Students (Fall Semester)
- 2021.05.26
- ISC Relay Talk: a Japanese student talks about her recent life at YNU. ISL所属の学生が、留学生へメッセージを寄せてくれました!(リレートーク第7回)
- 2021.05.19
- Change of 2021 Tuition Fees Payment Due Dates in Relations to the Spread of COVID-19
- 2021.05.12
- Application Guidelines For The Special Tuition Waiver Program For Spring Semester 2021-2022 (for students who are facing sudden financial difficulties due to the spread of the COVID-19)【経済支援:5/31締切】新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により家計急変した学生に対する特別授業料免除(2021年度春学期)
- 2021.05.10
- YNU 105 Online Welcome Party (Spring 2021) 5月16日に国際教育センター105がOnline Welcome Party を開きます!
- 2021.04.28
- [Noticement] For reentry into Japan: Registration required(YNU International Education Division)日本に再入国した留学生は、必ず登録してください(YNU国際教育課)
- 2021.04.28
- If you suddenly fall sick at night or on a Sunday, national holiday. 夜や休みの日に急に病気になったとき(夜間急病センターと休日急患診療所について)
- 2021.04.28
- Application Deadline: 17:00 9th May "YNU E-SSUP Life Support Scholarship (Spring Semester AY2021)" 5月9日(日)17時締切!生活支援奨学金 (YNU E-SSUP令和3年度春学期)申請受付が始まりました!
- 2021.04.19
- Online Placement Test: Additional test on April 23rd
- 2021.04.19
- ISC Relay Talk: a student from Thailand talks about his recent life at YNU.
- 2021.04.12
- Scholarship information for privately financed international students
- 2021.04.12
- Administrative and Information Windows for International Students
- 2021.04.12
- Please frequently check the YNU webpage "Measures against the Infection Spread of the Novel Coronavirus"
- 2021.04.12
- Useful Information for New International Students in April 2021
- 2021.04.07
- YOKOHAMA National University Infection Prevention Guidelines for In-person Classes (March 16, 2021)
- 2021.03.29
- Email distribution service by Immigration Services Agency; you will receive useful information regarding immigration matters with registration required.
- 2021.03.29
- 2021 Spring: How to purchase textbooks at YNU Coop
- 2021.03.22
- 2021 Spring Semester: How to provisionally register with LMS (starting 4/5)
- 2021.03.22
- Regarding online security measures for remote classes
- 2021.03.19
- Warning: Avoid getting involved in criminal acts! 犯罪に巻き込まれないように、注意しましょう!
- 2021.03.15
- 2021 Spring Semester Japanese Program Handbook
- 2021.03.15
- Spring 2021 Japanese Language Placement Test
- 2021.02.22
- Invitation to Nerida's room 「ネリダの部屋」に遊びに来ませんか?
- 2021.02.22
- SDGs and study abroad under COVID19 Workshop SDGsとコロナ禍留学ワークショップ
- 2021.02.19
- 2021 International Student Center Application Guide for Research Students (Fall Semester)
- 2021.02.19
- 2021 Yokohama National University International Student Center Application Guide for Credited Auditors (Kamokuto Rishusei)
- 2021.01.22
- Application for April 2021 occupancy of International Student House and Minesawa International Student Dormitory 【申請締切:2月12日17時】YNU留学生会館・峰沢国際交流会館に住みたい留学生へ(4月入居者募集案内)
- 2021.01.08
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “105 Online Christmas Party.” 105 Online Christmas Party(国際教育センター105主催)が開催されました!
- 2020.12.25
- If you encounter human right problem in your daily life, here are some contact information.(Human Rights Counseling for Foreigners)日常生活で人権問題を感じた時は相談できるところがあります。(外国人のための人権相談)
- 2020.12.21
- A message from the counselor for international students No.17 "Though the novel coronavirus is spreading, is Santa coming this year?"
- 2020.12.17
- 2020 YNU Japanese Speech Contest Page open! (open until 12/21 12:00)
- 2020.12.16
- YNU 105 Online Christmas Party for International Students 12月22日に国際教育センター105が Online Party を開きます!
- 2020.12.07
- FY2021 Application Guide for Research Students (Spring Semester)
(Application period:12/16~12/22) - 2020.12.04
- 2020 YNU Speech Contest (Online)
- 2020.11.27
- 【SDGs】Hult Prize OnCampus (Online) Final@YNU (December 12th)
- 2020.11.27
- 【SDGs】Collaborative online events with other universities organized by Hult Prize YNU.
- 2020.11.13
- Join Instagram Live sessions during lunchtime
- 2020.11.06
- YNU International Student Center 105 held “105 Autumn Online Party.” 105 Autumn Online Party(国際教育センター105主催)に約60名が参加しました。
- 2020.10.30
- 【Deadline extended】Calling all change-makers for Hult Prize 2021
- 2020.10.30
- Check the YNU Library website; Some of the reading seats are now available by appointment.
- 2020.10.23
- Relay Talk volume 5: A YNU staff from China wrote about her campus life and Shu-katsu in Japan!
- 2020.10.19
- 【Participants wanted】Calling all change-makers for Hult Prize 2021(by 10/30)
- 2020.10.16
- YNU E-SSUP Life Support Scholarship (Application Deadline: 17:00 October 23, 2020)
- 2020.10.16
- The Special Tuition Waiver Program for students who are facing sudden financial difficulties due to the spread of the COVID-19 (Application Deadline: October 30, 2020)
- 2020.10.12
- Online Placement Test: Additional test on October 20th
- 2020.10.07
- Fall 2020 Japanese Langauge Placement Test
- 2020.10.07
- 105 Autumn Online Party for International Students (Date: 18th Oct.)
- 2020.10.02
- YNU Japanese Speech Contest (Online): Call for Contestants
- 2020.10.02
- A student from Mali wrote about her daily life at YNU (Relay Talk volume 4)
- 2020.10.02
- Do you need any help? Looking for friends?! YNU 105 and ISL will be happy to help you.
- 2020.10.02
- Application Guidelines for Okamura-Konagai Memorial Foundation Benefit Related to the Prevention of the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infections
- 2020.10.01
- 2020 Fall YNU Coop How to purchase textbooks
- 2020.10.01
- YNU Guide On Distance Learning Fall 2020
- 2020.09.18
- Regarding online security measures for remote classes
- 2020.09.18
- 2020 Fall Japanese Program Handbook
- 2020.09.11
- 2020 Fall Semester: How to provisionally register with LMS (starting 9/28)
- 2020.09.04
- 'Tuition Waivers and Deferment/University-recommended Scholarships Registration' Application for fall semester of 2020-2021 started; application deadline is September 30 (by mail).
- 2020.09.04
- Fall 2020 Japanese Langauge Placement Test
- 2020.08.31
- 【Announcement】Japanese Language Program Handbook for Fall 2020 is to be uploaded on September 18th.
- 2020.08.21
- Important: Departure from and Entry into Japan
- 2020.08.07
- A message from the counselor for international students No.16 "The Space of Online classes"
- 2020.08.03
- Policy for Fall 2020 Classes
- 2020.07.17
- Reminder from MEXT: Special Cash Payments 文部科学省からのお知らせ:国の特別定額給付金
- 2020.07.10
- Application Deadline: July 15! Secondary Application for Emergency Student Support Benefit to Help Continue Education (National Program) 7月15日締切:『学生支援緊急給付金』(国の事業)の2次申請のご案内
- 2020.07.03
- Application Guidelines for YNU International Student House (Gumyoji) YNU留学生会館(弘明寺)に住みたい留学生へ(10月入居者募集案内)
- 2020.07.03
- ISC Online Counseling
- 2020.06.26
- Volume 3 "Let's Cheer Up! Relay Talk" Message from YNU students/staffs 第3弾です!「みんなにエール!リレートーク」留学生のみなさんへ応援メッセージ
- 2020.06.22
- Financial support for international students (Information from MEXT) 留学生が利用できる経済支援について(MEXTウェブサイトより)
- 2020.06.12
- Special Cash Payments; Sample Form Attached 国の特別定額給付金の受け取り方法について
- 2020.06.08
- Application Deadline: 17:00 June 9th "Emergency Student Support Benefit to Help Continue Education (National Program)" 申込締切は6/9(火)17:00です!『学生支援緊急給付金』(国の事業)
- 2020.05.25
- Installing Trend Micro Apex One security agent at home (Windows)
- 2020.05.25
- A message from the counselor for international students No.15 (revised edition)
- 2020.05.25
- 第2弾です!「みんなにエール!リレートーク」留学生のみなさんへ応援メッセージ Volume 2 "Let's Cheer Up! Relay Talk" Message from YNU students
- 2020.05.18
- オムライスと味噌汁の作り方を105が動画紹介しています!
Let's make "Omu-Rice" and "Miso Soup." See fun video recipes on the 105 facebook! - 2020.05.11
- Please check informations related to COVID-19 on YNU-LMS
- 2020.05.11
- 105 student staff will help undergraduate international students choose classes!(click here)
- 2020.05.11
- 「みんなにエール!リレートーク」留学生のみなさんへ応援メッセージをお届けします! "Let's Cheer Up! Relay Talk" Message from YNU students and staffs
- 2020.05.11
- Online Placement Test: Additional test on May 18th
- 2020.05.11
- Information about the online counseling
- 2020.05.11
- Guide to Special Cash Payments
- 2020.05.01
- 体調が悪いとき、近くの病院を探しているとき、相談できるところがあります(相談窓口)If you are not feeling well/looking for a hospital nearby, here are some contact information.
- 2020.05.01
- YNU留学生の支援や交流をする学生スタッフを紹介します(105,ISL) Interaction with Japanese Students: International Student Center 105 ・ISL
- 2020.05.01
- 先輩留学生に連絡をしてみませんか?「YNU各国・各地域の留学生グループ」リストを更新しました。Updated: "YNU International Student Groups by Country and Region"
- 2020.05.01
- 2020 Spring semester: How to join the first class online
- 2020.05.01
- Regarding online security measures for remote classes
- 2020.05.01
- 【For International students】How to order Japanese language textbooks at YNU Co-op
- 2020.05.01
- A message from the counselor for international students No.15
- 2020.04.30
- Japanese Program Handbook is revised and re-uploaded
- 2020.04.20
- On-campus contact for international students
- 2020.04.20
- Spring 2020 Japanese Language Placement Test to take Japanese language classes
- 2020.03.27
- Start Date of Spring 2020 Semester is postponed until May 7th, Thursday.Japanese language courses start on May 7th as well.
- 2020.03.27
- Placement Test schedule will be changed due to the change with the academic calendar. New schedule will be uploaded to this page soon.
- 2020.03.23
- Japanese Program Handbook is revised and re-uploaded.
Please check the latest version for updated course schedule. - 2020.03.16
- Japanese Program Handbook is available now.
If any change occurs with the schedule, we will post announcement here. Please check this page for the latest information. - 2020.03.06
- Japanese Language Program Handbook for Spring 2020 is to be uploaded on March 16th.
- 2020.03.06
- 留学生6名が生け花を体験しました
6 international students attended an Ikebana Workshop at YNU International Student Center - 2020.03.02
- 2020春学期 プレイスメントテスト日程
2020 Spring Placement Test Schedule - 2020.02.28
- 国際教育センター105主催「インターナショナルフードパーティー」に約100名が参加しました!
ISC 105 held “International Food Party 2020.” - 2020.01.17
- 国際教育センター105 が秋の「アステージキャンプ」を開催しました
International Student Center 105 held “Astage Camp Autumn 2019.” - 2020.01.17
- 1月21日(火)に国際教育センター105 International Food Partyを開催します!
- 2020.01.10
- Home Stay Programに留学生36名が参加しました!
36 international students participated in the Home Stay Program Autumn 2019. - 2020.01.10
- 【留学生対象】Ikebana Workshop
2月5日(水)生け花体験教室への参加者を募集します! - 2019.09.20
- YNU Japanese Speech Contest: Call for Contestants
- 2019.09.20
- YNU Japanese Speech Contest: Poster Design Contest
- 2019.09.13
- 2019 Fall Japanese Program Handbook
- 2019.09.13
- 2019 Fall Placement Test Schedule
- 2019.08.23
- 留学生7名が生け花を体験しました。
7 international students attended an Ikebana Workshop at YNU International Student Center. - 2019.08.23
- 21 international students participated in the Home Stay Program Summer 2019.
- 2019.08.05
- 国際教育センター105が留学生と一般学生との交流会(BBQ Party)を開催しました
ISC 105 held a BBQ Party in summer 2019. - 2019.07.12
- 国際教育センター105 が春の「アステージキャンプ」を開催しました
International Student Center 105 held “Astage Camp Spring 2019.” - 2019.07.01
- 【留学生対象】Ikebana Workshop
8月2日(金)生け花体験教室への参加者を募集します! - 2019.06.11
- 春の新入留学生 Welcome Party(国際教育センター105主催)に約220名が参加しました
YNU International Student Center 105 held “Welcome Party Spring 2019.” - 2019.05.21
- 【留学生対象】2019年6月ホームステイ体験プログラム参加者募集
(Home Stay Program for International Students) - 2019.05.09
- 2019年度国際教育センター研究生募集要項(秋学期)を掲載しました(出願期間:6/3~6/7)
- 2019.04.12
- 4月18日(木)留学生Welcome Party(国際教育センター105主催)を行います!
- 2019.03.08
- 2019年春学期 プレイスメントテスト日程
2019 Spring Placement Test Schedule - 2019.03.08
- 2019 Spring Japanese Program Handbook
- 2019.03.01
- 留学生10名が生け花を体験しました。
10 international students attended an Ikebana Workshop at YNU International Student Center. - 2019.01.11
- 【留学生対象】Ikebana Workshop
2月8日(金)開催生け花体験教室への参加者を募集します! - 2019.01.11
- YNU留学生グループの活動紹介:
YNU Indonesian Student Group sold Indonesian foods at YNU Festival Tokiwa-sai. - 2019.01.07
- 国際教育センター105 が秋の「アステージキャンプ」を開催しました
International Student Center 105 held “Astage Camp Autumn 2018.” - 2019.01.07
- 秋のHome Stay Programに留学生34名が参加しました!
34 international students participated in the Home Stay Program Autumn 2018. - 2018.10.26
- YNUインドネシア人留学生グループが常盤祭に出店します!
YNU Indonesian Student Group will sell Indonesian foods at YNU Festival Tokiwa-sai. - 2018.10.19
- 11月17-18日開催決定!国際教育センター105アステージ・キャンプ 参加者募集
Applications are now being accepted! ISC 105 Astage Camp - 2018.10.19
- 【留学生対象】2018年11月ホームステイ体験プログラム参加者募集 (Home Stay Program for International Students)
- 2018.10.02
- 10月16日(火)留学生Welcome Party(国際教育センター105主催)を行います!
- 2018.09.25
- Call for Contestants: YNU Japanese Speech Contest 2018 (12/11)
- 2018.09.25
- Poster Design Contest (cash prize!) for YNU Japanese Speech Contest
- 2018.09.14
- 2018 Fall Japanese Program Handbook
- 2018.09.12
- Home Stay Programに留学生21名が参加しました!21 international students participated in the Home Stay Program Summer 2018.
- 2018.09.06
- 2018年秋学期 プレイスメントテスト日程2018 Fall Placement Test Schedule
- 2018.06.29
- 国際教育センター105が夏のBBQパーティーを開きます!
ISC 105 Summer Barbeque Party 2018 - 2018.06.29
- 【留学生対象】Ikebana Workshop
8月3日(金)開催生け花体験教室への参加者を募集します! - 2018.05.18
- 【留学生対象】2018年6月ホームステイ体験プログラム参加者募集(Home Stay Program for International Students)
- 2018.03.20
- 留学生8名が生け花を体験しました 8 international students attended an Ikebana Workshop at YNU International Student Center.
- 2018.03.15
- 4月19日(木)留学生Welcome Party(国際教育センター105主催)を行います!
- 2018.03.13
- 2018 Spring Japanese Program Handbook
- 2018.03.06
- 2018 Spring Placement Test Schedule
- 2018.02.13
- 国際教育センター105主催「インターナショナルフードパーティー」に約100名が参加しました!ISC 105 held “International Food Party 2018.”
- 2018.01.16
- 【留学生対象】Ikebana Trial Lesson 2月16日(金)開催生け花体験教室への参加者を募集します!
- 2018.01.09
- 1月16日に国際教育センター105 International Food Partyを開催します!
- 2017.12.26
- Home Stay Programに留学生29名が参加しました!
- 2017.12.15
- 国際教育センター105主催Astage Camp(留学生と日本人学生等の交流合宿)に63名が集いました! 63 Students Participated in ISC 105 Astage Camp Autumn.
- 2017.10.31
- 国際教育センター105主催アステージ・キャンプ 参加者募集 Applications are now being accepted! ISC 105 Astage
- 2017.10.24
- インドネシア人留学生グループが常盤祭に出店します! Indonesian Students Group will sell Indonesian foods at YNU Festival Tokiwa-sai.
- 2017.10.24
- 【留学生対象】2017年11月ホームステイ体験プログラム参加者募集 (Home Stay Program for International Students)
- 2017.09.28
- Poster Design Contest (Cash Prize!) for YNU Japanese Speech Contest
- 2017.09.19
- 2017 Fall Japanese Program Handbook
- 2017.08.31
- 2017 Fall Placement Test Schedule
- 2017.04.07
- 4月14日(金) 国際教育センター105が新入留学生ウェルカムパーティーを開きます!
International Student Center 105 Welcome Party (April 14) - 2017.04.01
- The homepage was renewed.
- 2017.03.23
- 2017 Spring Japanese Program Handbook
- 2017.03.23
- 2017 Spring Placement Test Schedule
- 2017.03.14
- 留学生10名が生け花を体験しました
10 international students took an Ikebana Trial Lesson at YNU International Student Center. - 2017.11.17
- 【12/13】 The 6th YNU Japanese Speech Contest
- 2016.10.11
- "YNU International Student Groups" updated
- 2016.10.04
- 2016 Fall Japanese Program Handbook
- 2016.06.24
- International Student Center 105 held “Astage Camp Spring 2016.”
- 2016.05.02
- International Student Center 105 Astage Camp in Spring