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  • YNU海外留学促進イベント ドキュメンタリー映画『東方の記憶』無料上映会

YNU海外留学促進イベント -フィンランド人監督来日-   ドキュメンタリー映画『東方の記憶』無料上映会

"Eastern memories" Free Movie Screening    (YNU Study Abroad Acceleration Event)       Directors from Finland are coming to YNU!


"Eastern memories" Free Movie Screening
(YNU Study Abroad Acceleration Event)

Time & Date:October 24th, Thursday. 10:30-12:30

場所:都市科学部104スタジオ (S2-1 教育学部講義棟8号館内)
Place:Urban Sciences Studio 104
  (S2-1 Urban Sciences Lecture Hall)



事前登録: https://forms.gle/5fgiYShFsHWdZrV86
Sign-up here: https://forms.gle/5fgiYShFsHWdZrV86
    (If there are available seats, you can join without the sign-up)


当日プログラム: 1. 監督から, 2. 上映会, 3. パネルディスカッション

・言語:英語版、日本語字幕。放映時間 86分
・映画の予告動画: https://vimeo.com/361810119

The program includes 1. Introductions from the directors, watch the movie, panel discussions, etc.
・’Eastern Memories’ is an unexpected journey to Mongolia and Japan, in the footsteps of the first Finnish envoy to Japan, Gustaf John Ramstedt (Language: English version with Japanese subtitles. Film duration 86min)
・Movie Trailer: https://vimeo.com/361810119
・There will be opportunities to ask about Finland and the study abroad program.
・For more details, please see the posters at the student center/international education center.
