About 2022 Fall Japanese Language Courses2022年秋学期の日本語のクラスは、11月4日(金)まではオンラインで行いますが、11月7日(月)は、留学生の入国状況をみて、対面かオンラインかを決定します。
In Fall 2022, Japanese language courses will be conducted online until November 4, Friday.
Course format (online or in-person) of the rest of the classes will be determined depending on the students’
situation (i.e. if the students in the course have entered Japan or not.)
Please complete provisional registration with Learning Management System to participate in the course.
Those who have never taken Japanese language courses at YNU, and wish to attend classes at the 200 level or higher need to take Japanese Language Placement Test.
▶︎ http://www.isc.ynu.ac.jp/news/20220830/
If you have never studied Japanese language before, you may take J100 intensive or J101 integrated Japanese course. If you would like to take those courses, please contact us to this email address for more information.
▶︎ E-mail: ynu-nihongoynu.ac.jp
2022 Fall Japanese Program Handbook (pamphlet) can be found here.